If you can be triggered, you can be controlled

Think about what it is when something triggers you, for example as we recently saw in the move 'The Paper Tigers' some insolent kid called Jim (who is black) the n-word and of course there was an epic reaction from him, but really in reacting at all he is giving the other person control over him. When someone is capable of triggering a specific response or behavior from you by merely saying some words, you are allowing them to dictate your behavior. We should strive to eliminate everything that triggers us so it is we who are always in control.

What are the best ways to do that? Well, for me it was about coming to the understanding that we all are products of our environment — no one is born with the desire to be rude, short-tempered, racist, or homophobic — we are shaped in such ways by the influences around us (peers, culture, etc.), and similarly it takes the right circumstances to reflect and grow beyond those underlying influences, circumstances which may not yet have happened for many people.

Yogi Bhajan probably stated it best when he said:

"If you are willing to look at another person's behavior toward you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, then you will, over a period of time cease to react at all."