The origin of the name

What is 'Infinite Love'? It's a universal, unconditional love that comes from a place of empathy. In this episode, Teresa and I talk about the origin of the name, what it means to us, and how anyone can cultivate this kind of empathy within them too.

Belief - What's important for ensuring a harmonious society

A willingness to modify our beliefs in the face of new evidence and reasoning is critical to ensuring a common world for us all. To get there, we must understand what beliefs are, how they influence us, and our responsibilities regarding them.
16 min read

We should use entertainment to impart important life lessons

We should do more in using entertainment not just to entertain but also to impart important lessons, especially moral ones.

Another Supreme Court failure regarding Texas Abortion law

In not taking a stand against the Texas abortion case, the Supreme Court once again proves it is in dire need of an overhaul, just like much of the rest of our society.