The Journey To Positive Change in the World

The Journey To Positive Change in the World

1 min read
(3 years ago)
(2 years ago)
A introduction to this blog and why I decided to start writing.

What is the best way to change the world for the better? The world is full of suffering, there's no doubt about that. What can one person do to change things? Well, it's a challenge obviously because today, everything is oriented around money, and without it, you will find it hard to gain people's attention. That said, it's not necessary, it simply makes things easier. Without money, the second best thing you can have is influence. And how does one gain influence without money? Well, the old fashioned way, step by step, post by post. It seems to me that among all the voices clamoring for attention in the world, a very small percentage are actually worth listening to. To be honest, I think we have a dearth of voices out there promoting reason, science, humanism, and collectivism. Am I a voice worth listening to? Well, there's one way to find out — by entering the public conversation.

One Place For All My Content

Starting today I will use this blog as a platform for everything I say. Specifically, almost everything I write on a social media channel such as Twitter or Facebook or Instagram will also be written here. This will make it easier for anyone to find my thoughts on every subject I write about, in particular because you can search all my content using the search functionality of this blog, and you can also look for content using the tag system.

Much of the content you find here will be posted to other social media channels.  I generally plan to post the same content on all of them, though some of my longer pieces will be posted exclusively here because of post-length limitations. In general, no matter whether you follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Mastodon, or this blog, you will get the same content or be redirected to the appropriate platform which houses the content (for example, longer written pieces will be mentioned on twitter and refer people back here to this blog, and the same goes with videos and podcasts — they will be mentioned on social media but actually hosted on YouTube and various podcast websites).

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