Effective communication is key to moving forward

Effective communication is key to moving forward

1 min read
(3 years ago)
(2 years ago)
Everyone is generally so bad at communicating, yet it it so important. It is responsible for us becoming as successful as we are as a species, and the one thing that can be used to bring us together.

Think about our place in the human timeline: many of us knew the world before the internet as well as after. The world when most people barely knew anything outside their own village or town to the world where vast numbers of people can readily communicate with almost anyone, anywhere. We are still so new to this and communicating in general — you can see it and how we interact with each other. Many people still do not afford the same respect we afford others during in-person communication when talking online, as if the person on the other end isn’t a person at all... We should all take a moment to honestly examine and try to improve our communication skills if we hope to free ourselves of the sort of conversation paralysis we find ourselves in today.

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