What am I working on

What am I working on

2 min read
(2 years ago)
(2 years ago)
It's been a few weeks since my last video and podcast, but rest assured I've not disappeared — I've simply been focused on research, updating my website, and streamlining my social media workflow. I'll be resuming shortly!

It's been a few weeks since my last YouTube video and podcast, but rest assured I've not disappeared — I've simply been focused on research, updating my website, and streamlining my social media workflow.


There's a bunch of books I wanted to get through on a range of topics (most of which I will eventually write and make videos about) and I've been reading through summaries of them so I could get through them all in a realistic time frame (~50 books in 2 weeks).


I also felt it important to redo my website based on feedback I've received from people I've asked. While virtually all the feedback was positive, I did hear from some that said it seemed a bit idealistic, which while not technically bad is the opposite of what I want to convey. In fact, the changes I seek I believe are entirely realistic and can be practically implemented within the next few years. No I'm not talking about reshaping the entire world's economic system, eliminating world hunger, or creating peace on Earth — of course those are extremely long-term projects that will probably not end in our lifetimes — but I do believe that it is very feasible to come together and build our own communities to free ourselves of the many problems we face in this labor-for-income, pay-or-perish world we live in. I also believe that there has never been a better time to start raising awareness to the problems we face as climate disasters occur with increasing frequency around us and as more and more people are realizing that this system we live in primarily benefits the few at the expense of the rest. However, before I dive into posting new content I want to make sure my new website is crystal clear about what I believe the problems are, why they are happening, and realistic ways we can mitigate or in some cases entirely resolve them.

Social Media workflow

It's not enough these days to just have a single social media channel because then you'll miss out on whole segments of the population. For example, there's people who use Facebook, people who use Instagram, people who use Twitter, people who use TikTok, and these groups don't always overlap. As a result, many people and organizations post content to several different places. But being an individual and posting to several channels can be a very time-consuming endeavor, especially since these services are not linked in any meaningful way and they generally have unique posting requirements. However, I did manage to setup a way to streamline posting to multiple different places without too much additional work, and the first step in that process is posting content here. So to summarize, if you want to follow everything I post on all social media channels, you simply need to subscribe to this blog (it's 100% free, though I offer paid options for those who want to support me). For the full details, see my updated About page.

My research phase is over, the social media workflow is all setup, and I'm about a third of the way through the written portion of the new website, so expect some new stuff in the coming weeks. 🙂

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